Home of apples

VOG - Home of apples

“What one cannot do alone, many can do together.”
Friedrich Wilhelm Raiffeisen, Founder of cooperativism
Trust and cooperation, two key words that led to VOG’s foundation in 1945 and still underpin our company today. We now have a varied product range of apples from Italy that is exported all over the world. We are present in over 75 countries with a diverse assortment and strong brands. We owe this to our innovative strength, to our understanding of our customers’ needs and, above all, to the quality of our apples from Italy, which we promote nationally and internationally with extensive marketing campaigns.
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Years of history
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VOG – Home of apples. This is where you can find the top apple-growing experts and the right apple for every taste. Here, excellent products and services, along with all the experience of growing quality apples, are brought together under the same roof.

Origin, Expertise, Sustainability, and Products and Brands are the four elements that make up the house in which our fruits grow and ripen.
apple-horchards-panoramaAt the heart of it all is our land.
Nature created excellent conditions for the VOG cultivation area. South Tyrol - Südtirol has an ideal microclimate that allows our fruit to grow and ripen perfectly.
Discover our region
apple-in-handsAt our place, we share expertise to cultivate quality.
Quality and competence have always played a central role at VOG. Over 5,000 people work all year round to bring tasty apples to consumers all over the world.
Discover our quality and competence
vog-familySustainable today for tomorrow's generations.
We have the best conditions for sustainable, future-proof apple cultivation. We promote cultivation methods that safeguard nature, such as those of integrated and organic production, and use the most modern technologies for this purpose.
Discover our approach to sustainability
apple-assortment-on-table-kopieThe best apples live here - 12 months a year.
Products and Brands
VOG producers cultivate many varieties of apples in Italy, each with its own personality and flavour, all boasting an exquisitely genuine taste.
Discover our products and brands